Prism 339 Privacy Policy

We hold ourselves to high standards with your data

When you use Prism 339, we use some of your data, like your name, email address and uploaded documents, to make sure you have the best possible experience.

Why do we use it?

We use it so that you can use our service to extract and analyse bank statements and so you can get personalised support if you ever need it.

When do we use it?

We will only ever use your personal information to contact you to provide the service and support that you have requested from us, including for example:

  • When you first register an email address to access Prism 339
  • To provide status updates on your requests
What do we do with it?

We might sometimes store your data with GDPR compliant third parties to give you the best service. This could be things such as using encrypted cloud storage service to allow you to access documents that need to be returned to you quickly and securely, in response to a support request that you have submitted.

We won't ever use your data in a way that isn't already outlined in the permissions you've given us.

We take your privacy seriously and we won't sell your personal data. Ever.

How do we look after it?

We have secure servers for all your personal data. These are shrouded in multiple layers of security to keep all your details safe.

Your rights
  • We only keep your data for as long as we need to for the purposes mentioned.
  • You can ask to have your data deleted at any time.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop us an email at